엘더스크롤 온라인 추천 스킬 차트


드래곤나이트Unrelenting GripIgneous Shield
Green Dragon Blood
Protective Plate
Cinder Storm
Hardened Armor
Deep Breath
Igneous Shield
Green Dragon Blood
Igneous Weapons
Hardened Armor
Stone Giant
Engulfing Flames
Cinder Storm
Choking Talons
Deep Breath
Magma Shell(궁극기)
워든Frozen DevicePolar Wind
Shimmering Shield
Expansive Frost Cloak
Budding Seeds
Bull Netch
Deceptive Predator
Expansive Frost Cloak
Frozen Device
Gripping Shards
Fetcher Infection
Frozen Device
Gripping Shards
Bull Netch
Shimmering Shield
Enchanted Forest(궁극기)
네크로맨서Beckoning ArmorNecrotic Potency
Unnerving Boneyard
Hungry Scythe
Beckoning Armor
Spirit Guardian
Agony Totem
Empowering Grasp
Agony Totem
Necrotic Potency
Unnerving Boneyard
Empowering Grasp
Agony Totem
Empowering Grasp
Necrotic Potency
Glacial Colossus(궁극기)
Renewing Animation(궁극기)
아케이니스트Runic SunderImpervious Runeward
Runeguard of Still Waters
Zenas’ Empowering Disc
Runeguard of Still Waters
Cruxweaver Armor
Runic Sunder
Cruxweaver Armor
Rune of Uncanny Adoration
Rune of the Colorless Pool
Runeguard of Still Waters
Rune of Uncanny Adoration
Glyphic of the Tides(궁극기)
소서러Bound Aegis
Dark Deal
Summon Unstable Clannfear
Bound Aegis
Restraining Prison
Boundless Storm
Crystal WeaponRestraining PrisonAbsorption Field(궁극기)
나이트블레이드Refreshing Path
Dark Cloak
Power Extraction
Refreshing Path
Dark Cloak
Power Extraction
Lotus Fan
Mass HysteriaBolstering Darkness(궁극기)
템플러Extended Ritual
Living Dark
Restoring Focus
Radiant Ward
Radiant Aura
Restoring Focus
Dark Flare
Power of the Light
Radiant Aura
Dark Flare
Living Dark
무기Destructive Clench
Pierce Armor
Power Slam
Absorb MissilePulsar
Elemental Drain
Destructive Clench
Pierce Armor
Elemental Blockade
Elemental Drain
Destructive Clench
Crushing Shock
Elemental Blockade
월드Blood Mist
길드Inner Rage
Silver Leash
Race Against Time
Overflowing Altar
Bone Surge
Energy Orb
Race Against Time
Bone Surge
Overflowing AltarSilver Leash
Time Freeze
Scalding Rune
Temporal Guard(궁극기)
Revealing Flare
Echoing Vigor
Razor CaltropsRazor CaltropsReplenishing Barrier(궁극기)
Proximity Detonation
Aggressive Horn(궁극기)
방어구Unstoppable Brute


스팸 & 주력광역버프 & 지속생존처형 & 프록 & 궁
소서러Crystal Fragments,
Crystal Weapon
Daedric Tomb,
Lightning Flood
Summon Twilight Tormentor,
Summon Volatile Familiar,
Daedric Prey,
Bound Aegis,
Critical Surge,
Regenerative Ward,
Critical Surge,
Regenerative Ward,
Summon Twilight Matriarch,
Summon Unstable Clannfear,
Dark Conversion
Mages’ Wrath,
Crystal Fragments,
Greater Storm Atronach(궁극기)
드래곤나이트Molten Whip,
Flames of Oblivion,
Stone Giant
Eruption, Engulfing Flames.
Noxious Breath,
Burning Talons
Engulfing Flames,
Noxious Breath,
Burning Embers,
Venomous Claw,
Deep Breath
Burning Embers,
Deep Breath,
Green Dragon Blood,
Obsidian Shard
Molten Whip,
Standard of Might(궁극기)
나이트블레이드Swallow Soul,
Concealed Weapon
Twisting Path,
Sap Essence,
Power Extraction
Twisting Path,
Siphoning Attacks,
Leeching Strikes,
Sap Essence,
Power Extraction,
Merciless Resolve,
Dark Shade
Swallow Soul,
Merciless Resolve
Merciless Resolve,
Relentless Focus,
Incapacitating Strike(궁극기)
템플러Puncturing Sweep,
Biting Jabs
Blazing Spear,
Ritual of Retribution,
Solar Barrage
Solar Barrage,
Dark Flare,
Channeled Focus,
Purifying Light,
Power of the Light,
Blazing Shield,
Vampire’s Bane,
Radiant Aura
Puncturing Sweep,
Blazing Shield,
Radiant Oppression,
Everlasting Sweep(궁극기),
Crescent Sweep(궁극기),
Solar Prison(궁극기)
워든Screaming Cliff Racer,
Cutting Dive
Subterranean Assault, Deep Fissure, Winter’s RevengeFetcher Infection, Growing Swarm, Blue Betty, Bull Netch, Bird of PreyArctic BlastFetcher Infection, Wild Guardian(궁극기), Eternal Guardian(궁극기)
네크로맨서Ricochet Skull,
Venom Skull,
Stalking Blastbones
Unnerving Boneyard, Avid Boneyard, Detonating Siphon, Mystic Siphon
Skeletal Archer, Skeletal Arcanist, Detonating Siphon, Mystic Siphon
Hungry Scythe, Necrotic Potency, Spirit GuardianNecrotic Potency, Glacial Colossus(궁극기), Pestilent Colossus
Fulminating Rune
Inspired Scholarship
Audacious RunemendTentacular Dread
무기Force Pulse,
Crushing Shock,
Rapid Strikes,
Wrecking Blow,
Lethal Arrow, Shrouded Daggers
Wall of Elements,
Destructive Touch(전격 스태프), Endless Hail, Bombard, Acid Spray, Stampede, Carve
Elemental Drain, Poison Injection, Venom Arrow, Deadly Cloak, Stampede, Carve, Rally, Wrecking Blow
Brawler, RallyWhirling Blades, Shrouded Daggers
, Executioner, Elemental Rage(궁극기)
월드Blood for Blood
길드Elemental WeaponMystic OrbBarbed Trap, Camouflaged Hunter, Inner Light, Degeneration, Scalding Rune, Channeled Acceleration,

Flawless Dawnbreaker(궁극기), Shooting Star
(궁극기), Temporal Guard(궁극기)
연합전쟁Proximity Detonation, Razor Caltrops
Razor Caltrops
방어구Harness Magicka


긴급 힐광역&지속 힐그 외 힐버프디버프
소서러Summon Twilight MatriarchPower SurgeRegenerative WardAbsorption Field
드래곤나이트Obsidian Shard, Cinder StormCauterizeCauterize, Fragmented ShieldCinder Storm
나이트블레이드Healthy OfferingHealthy Offering, Refreshing PathFunnel Health, Sap EssenceHealthy Offering, Refreshing Path, Siphoning AttacksBolstering Darkness
템플러Breath of LifeExtended Ritual, Purifying LightLuminous Shards, Channeled FocusPurifying LightSolar Prison, Practiced Incantation
워든Budding SeedsBudding SeedsEnchanted Growth, Living TrellisEnchanted Growth, Blue BettyFetcher InfectionEnchanted Forest
네크로맨서Resistant FleshSpirit GuardianUnnerving Boneyard, Agony TotemRenewing Animation
아케이니스트Zenas’ Empowering Disc
Chakram of Destiny
Rune of the Colorless Pool
Fulminating Rune
Gibbering Shelter
무기Illustrious Healing, Radiating RegenerationElemental Drain, Elemental Blockade
길드Overflowing Altar, Energy OrbMend SpiritMend Spirit
연합전쟁Echoing VigorEfficient PurgeAggressive Horn, Replenishing Barrier

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