Silver Rose Vigil

2 items: Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
3 items: Adds 1206 Maximum Health
4 items: Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
5 items: When you Block, gain a stack of Realmshaper for 15 seconds, gaining up to 1 stack every 0.5 seconds. When you reach 3 stacks, you consume them and launch necrotic energy at your attacker, dealing 3226 Magic Damage and applying Major Maim for 12 seconds, reducing their damage done by 10%. Once you fire the necrotic energy, you cannot gain additional stacks of Realmshaper for 12 seconds. Damage scales off your Max Health.

Type: Dungeon
Location: Red Petal Bastion
Requires DLC: Waking Flame
Style: Silver Rose

Obtainable items:
Heavy Armor